Converge meaning in Hindi
Converge is a english word.Converge Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
converge = एक बिंदु की ओर जाना
- Usage: The lines converge at this point.
- Usage: The crowd converged on the movie star.
- Usage: Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power.
Converge Meaning in Detail
converge (verb) = be adjacent or come together
Synonyms: converge, meet
- Usage: The lines converge at this point
converge (verb) = approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
Synonyms: converge
converge (verb) = move or draw together at a certain location
Synonyms: converge
- Usage: The crowd converged on the movie star
converge (verb) = come together so as to form a single product
Synonyms: converge
- Usage: Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power
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