Contrast meaning in Hindi

Contrast is a english word.

Contrast Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • contrast = विरोध

    • Usage: There is a remarkable contrast between the twins.
    • Usage: The contrast of light and dark shade counts a lot in painting.
  • contrast = व्यतिरेक करना

    • Usage: His deeds contrasted sharply with his promises.
    • Usage: It is intresting to contrast the two singers.

Contrast Meaning in Detail

  • contrast (noun) = the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared

    Synonyms: contrast, direct_contrast

    • Usage: in contrast to", "by contrast
  • contrast (noun) = the act of distinguishing by comparing differences

    Synonyms: contrast

  • contrast (noun) = a conceptual separation or distinction

    Synonyms: line, dividing_line, demarcation, contrast

    • Usage: there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity
  • contrast (noun) = the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors

    Synonyms: contrast

  • contrast (noun) = the range of optical density and tone on a photographic negative or print (or the extent to which adjacent areas on a television screen differ in brightness)

    Synonyms: contrast

  • contrast (verb) = put in opposition to show or emphasize differences

    Synonyms: contrast

    • Usage: The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student
  • contrast (verb) = to show differences when compared; be different

    Synonyms: contrast, counterpoint

    • Usage: the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities
  • Other words to learn

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