Content meaning in Hindi
Content is a english word.Content Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
content = सन्तोष
- Usage: He is living in peace and content.
content = निहित वस्तु
- Usage: He emptied the contents of his pockets
- Usage: Food with high calorie fat content is not good for health.
content = विषय-वस्तु
- Usage: She didn't read the article that is why she is unaware of its contents.
- Usage: The content of your essay is excellent, but it is not well written.
content = सन्तुष्ट करना
- Usage: These worldly things do not content me.
- Usage: There is no butter today,so we must content ourselves with dry bread.
Content Meaning in Detail
content (noun) = everything that is included in a collection and that is held or included in something
Synonyms: content
- Usage: he emptied the contents of his pockets
- Usage: the two groups were similar in content
content (noun) = what a communication that is about something is about
Synonyms: message, content, subject_matter, substance
content (noun) = the proportion of a substance that is contained in a mixture or alloy etc.
Synonyms: content
content (noun) = the amount that can be contained
Synonyms: capacity, content
- Usage: the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons
content (noun) = the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
Synonyms: content, cognitive_content, mental_object
content (noun) = the state of being contented with your situation in life
Synonyms: contentedness, content
- Usage: he relaxed in sleepy contentedness
- Usage: they could read to their heart's content
content (noun) = something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation
Synonyms: subject, content, depicted_object
- Usage: a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject
content (verb) = satisfy in a limited way
Synonyms: content
- Usage: He contented himself with one glass of beer per day
content (verb) = make content
Synonyms: content
- Usage: I am contented
content (adj) = satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are
Synonyms: contented, content
- Usage: a contented smile
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