Conscious meaning in Hindi

Conscious is a english word.

Conscious Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • conscious = सचेत/चेतन

    • Usage: He made a conscious effort to speak more slowly.
    • Usage: Young boys and girls are more conscious of their looks.
    • Usage: People in India are very much politically conscious.
  • conscious = साभिप्राय

    • Usage: His going to Delhi was a conscious move.

Conscious Meaning in Detail

  • conscious (adj) = intentionally conceived

    Synonyms: conscious, witting

    • Usage: a conscious effort to speak more slowly
    • Usage: a conscious policy
  • conscious (adj) = knowing and perceiving; having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts

    Synonyms: conscious

    • Usage: remained conscious during the operation
    • Usage: conscious of his faults
    • Usage: became conscious that he was being followed
  • conscious (adj) = (followed by `of') showing realization or recognition of something

    Synonyms: conscious

    • Usage: few voters seem conscious of the issue's importance
    • Usage: conscious of having succeeded
    • Usage: the careful tread of one conscious of his alcoholic load"- Thomas Hardy
  • Other words to learn

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