Conjunction meaning in Hindi
Conjunction is a english word.Conjunction Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
conjunction = संयोग/मेल
- Usage: I like to see the sky full of conjuction of stars.
conjunction = समुच्चय बोधक अव्यय
- Usage: `but'is a conjuction.
Conjunction Meaning in Detail
conjunction (noun) = the temporal property of two things happening at the same time
Synonyms: concurrence, coincidence, conjunction, co-occurrence
- Usage: the interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable
conjunction (noun) = the state of being joined together
Synonyms: junction, conjunction, conjugation, colligation
conjunction (noun) = an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences
Synonyms: conjunction, conjunctive, connective, continuative
conjunction (noun) = the grammatical relation between linguistic units (words or phrases or clauses) that are connected by a conjunction
Synonyms: conjunction
conjunction (noun) = (astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac
Synonyms: conjunction, alignment
conjunction (noun) = something that joins or connects
Synonyms: junction, conjunction
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