Cognizance meaning in Hindi

Cognizance is a english word.

Cognizance Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cognizance = पूर्ण जानकार होना

    • Usage: Her younger brother have a powerful cognizance of law.

Cognizance Meaning in Detail

  • cognizance (noun) = having knowledge of

    Synonyms: awareness, consciousness, cognizance, cognisance, knowingness

    • Usage: he had no awareness of his mistakes
    • Usage: his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced
    • Usage: their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive
  • cognizance (noun) = range of what one can know or understand

    Synonyms: cognizance, ken

    • Usage: beyond my ken
  • cognizance (noun) = range or scope of what is perceived

    Synonyms: cognizance

  • Other words to learn

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