Chill meaning in Hindi

Chill is a english word.

Chill Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chill = ठण्डा हो जाना

    • Usage: Let the pudding chilll for an hour.
  • chill = ठण्ड

    • Usage: There is a chill in the air today.
  • chill = उत्साह हीन

    • Usage: The news of the city's surrender chilled the soldiers

Chill Meaning in Detail

  • chill (noun) = coldness due to a cold environment

    Synonyms: chill, iciness, gelidity

  • chill (noun) = an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

    Synonyms: frisson, shiver, chill, quiver, shudder, thrill, tingle

    • Usage: a frisson of surprise shot through him
  • chill (noun) = a sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a fever

    Synonyms: chill, shivering

  • chill (noun) = a sudden numbing dread

    Synonyms: chill, pall

  • chill (verb) = depress or discourage

    Synonyms: chill

    • Usage: The news of the city's surrender chilled the soldiers
  • chill (verb) = make cool or cooler

    Synonyms: cool, chill, cool_down

    • Usage: Chill the food
  • chill (verb) = loose heat

    Synonyms: cool, chill, cool_down

    • Usage: The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm
  • Other words to learn

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