Chemical meaning in Hindi

Chemical is a english word.

Chemical Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chemical = रसायनिक

    • Usage: The use of chemical weapons must be banned.
  • chemical = रसायनिक द्रव्य

    • Usage: Nowadays chemicals are mixed in edible items also.

Chemical Meaning in Detail

  • chemical (noun) = material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules

    Synonyms: chemical, chemical_substance

  • chemical (adj) = relating to or used in chemistry

    Synonyms: chemical, chemic

    • Usage: chemical engineer
    • Usage: chemical balance
  • chemical (adj) = of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes

    Synonyms: chemical

    • Usage: chemical fertilizer
  • Other words to learn

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