Chain meaning in Hindi

Chain is a english word.

Chain Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chain = श्रृंखला

    • Usage: The `Manorama Year Book'gives a detailed report on the chain of events.
  • chain = ज़ंजीर

    • Usage: The dog is tied to the post with a chain.
  • chain = करधनी/तोड़ा

    • Usage: I like to wear a golden chain.
  • chain = ज़ंजीर से बाँध[बँध]

  • chain = सिकड़ी बाँधना

    • Usage: The dog was chained to the post.

Chain Meaning in Detail

  • chain (noun) = a series of things depending on each other as if linked together

    Synonyms: chain, concatenation

    • Usage: the chain of command
    • Usage: a complicated concatenation of circumstances
  • chain (noun) = (chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule)

    Synonyms: chain, chemical_chain

  • chain (noun) = a series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament

    Synonyms: chain

  • chain (noun) = (business) a number of similar establishments (stores or restaurants or banks or hotels or theaters) under one ownership

    Synonyms: chain

  • chain (noun) = anything that acts as a restraint

    Synonyms: chain

  • chain (noun) = a unit of length

    Synonyms: chain

  • chain (noun) = British biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming (1906-1979)

    Synonyms: Chain, Ernst_Boris_Chain, Sir_Ernst_Boris_Chain

  • chain (noun) = a series of hills or mountains

    Synonyms: range, mountain_range, range_of_mountains, chain, mountain_chain, chain_of_mountains

    • Usage: the valley was between two ranges of hills
    • Usage: the plains lay just beyond the mountain range
  • chain (noun) = a linked or connected series of objects

    Synonyms: chain

    • Usage: a chain of daisies
  • chain (noun) = a necklace made by a stringing objects together;

    Synonyms: chain, string, strand

    • Usage: a string of beads
    • Usage: a strand of pearls
  • chain (verb) = connect or arrange into a chain by linking

    Synonyms: chain

  • chain (verb) = fasten or secure with chains

    Synonyms: chain

    • Usage: Chain the chairs together
  • Other words to learn

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