Chaff meaning in Hindi

Chaff is a english word.

Chaff Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chaff = छिलका/छाँटन

    • Usage: The sifting of grain from the chaff is done sometime in March-April.
  • chaff = हँसी में खिजाना/तंग करना

    • Usage: The senior boys chaffed the juniors during ragging.

Chaff Meaning in Detail

  • chaff (noun) = material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds

    Synonyms: chaff, husk, shuck, stalk, straw, stubble

  • chaff (noun) = foil in thin strips; ejected into the air as a radar countermeasure

    Synonyms: chaff

  • chaff (verb) = be silly or tease one another

    Synonyms: kid, chaff, jolly, josh, banter

    • Usage: After we relaxed, we just kidded around
  • Other words to learn

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