Bustle meaning in Hindi

Bustle is a english word.

Bustle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bustle = हलचल

    • Usage: The streets were full of morning bustle.

Bustle Meaning in Detail

  • bustle (noun) = a rapid active commotion

    Synonyms: bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, fuss, stir

  • bustle (noun) = a framework worn at the back below the waist for giving fullness to a woman's skirt

    Synonyms: bustle

  • bustle (verb) = move or cause to move energetically or busily

    Synonyms: bustle, bustle_about, hustle

    • Usage: The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance
  • Other words to learn

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