Bound meaning in Hindi

Bound is a english word.

Bound Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bound = लाचार/विवश

    • Usage: Bound and gagged hostages
    • Usage: A bound official
    • Usage: Felt bound by his promise
  • bound = जिल्दवाले

    • Usage: Bound volumes
  • bound = गुज़रनेवाला

    • Usage: Bound to happen
    • Usage: Children bound for school
  • bound = छलांग/उछल कूद

    • Usage: The theif cleared the fence in one bound.
  • bound = सीमा

  • bound = कुलाँचे मारना/उछलना

    • Usage: The horse bounded across the meadow

Bound Meaning in Detail

  • bound (noun) = a line determining the limits of an area

    Synonyms: boundary, edge, bound

  • bound (noun) = the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something

    Synonyms: boundary, bound, bounds

  • bound (noun) = the greatest possible degree of something

    Synonyms: limit, bound, boundary

    • Usage: what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior
    • Usage: to the limit of his ability
  • bound (noun) = a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards

    Synonyms: leap, leaping, spring, saltation, bound, bounce

  • bound (verb) = move forward by leaps and bounds

    Synonyms: jump, leap, bound, spring

    • Usage: The horse bounded across the meadow
    • Usage: The child leapt across the puddle
    • Usage: Can you jump over the fence?
  • bound (verb) = form the boundary of; be contiguous to

    Synonyms: bound, border

  • bound (verb) = place limits on (extent or access)

    Synonyms: restrict, restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle

    • Usage: restrict the use of this parking lot
    • Usage: limit the time you can spend with your friends
  • bound (verb) = spring back; spring away from an impact

    Synonyms: bounce, resile, take_a_hop, spring, bound, rebound, recoil, reverberate, ricochet

    • Usage: The rubber ball bounced
    • Usage: These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide
  • bound (verb) = stick to firmly

    Synonyms: adhere, hold_fast, bond, bind, stick, stick_to

    • Usage: Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?
  • bound (verb) = create social or emotional ties

    Synonyms: bind, tie, attach, bond

    • Usage: The grandparents want to bond with the child
  • bound (verb) = make fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope

    Synonyms: bind

    • Usage: The Chinese would bind the feet of their women
  • bound (verb) = wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose

    Synonyms: bind, bandage

  • bound (verb) = secure with or as if with ropes

    Synonyms: tie_down, tie_up, bind, truss

    • Usage: tie down the prisoners
    • Usage: tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed
  • bound (verb) = bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted

    Synonyms: oblige, bind, hold, obligate

    • Usage: He's held by a contract
    • Usage: I'll hold you by your promise
  • bound (verb) = provide with a binding

    Synonyms: bind

    • Usage: bind the books in leather
  • bound (verb) = fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord

    Synonyms: tie, bind

    • Usage: They tied their victim to the chair
  • bound (verb) = form a chemical bond with

    Synonyms: bind

    • Usage: The hydrogen binds the oxygen
  • bound (verb) = cause to be constipated

    Synonyms: constipate, bind

    • Usage: These foods tend to constipate you
  • bound (adj) = confined by bonds

    Synonyms: bound

    • Usage: bound and gagged hostages
  • bound (adj) = held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union

    Synonyms: bound

  • bound (adj) = secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form

    Synonyms: bound

    • Usage: bound volumes
    • Usage: leather-bound volumes
  • bound (adj) = (usually followed by `to') governed by fate

    Synonyms: bound, destined

    • Usage: bound to happen
    • Usage: an old house destined to be demolished
    • Usage: he is destined to be famous
  • bound (adj) = covered or wrapped with a bandage

    Synonyms: bandaged, bound

    • Usage: the bandaged wound on the back of his head
    • Usage: an injury bound in fresh gauze
  • bound (adj) = headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students'

    Synonyms: bound, destined

    • Usage: children bound for school
    • Usage: a flight destined for New York
  • bound (adj) = bound by an oath

    Synonyms: bound

    • Usage: a bound official
  • bound (adj) = bound by contract

    Synonyms: apprenticed, articled, bound, indentured

  • bound (adj) = confined in the bowels

    Synonyms: bound

    • Usage: he is bound in the belly
  • Other words to learn

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