Bog meaning in Hindi

Bog is a english word.

Bog Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bog = दलदल

    • Usage: He was caught in the bog.

Bog Meaning in Detail

  • bog (noun) = wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation; has poorer drainage than a swamp; soil is unfit for cultivation but can be cut and dried and used for fuel

    Synonyms: bog, peat_bog

  • bog (verb) = cause to slow down or get stuck

    Synonyms: bog_down, bog

    • Usage: The vote would bog down the house
  • bog (verb) = get stuck while doing something

    Synonyms: bog_down, bog

    • Usage: She bogged down many times while she wrote her dissertation
  • Other words to learn

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