Benevolent meaning in Hindi
Benevolent is a english word.Benevolent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
benevolent = दयालु
- Usage: She has a benevolent nature.
Benevolent Meaning in Detail
benevolent (adj) = intending or showing kindness
Synonyms: benevolent
- Usage: a benevolent society
benevolent (adj) = showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity
Synonyms: charitable, benevolent, kindly, sympathetic, good-hearted, openhearted, large-hearted
- Usage: was charitable in his opinions of others
- Usage: kindly criticism
- Usage: a kindly act
- Usage: sympathetic words
- Usage: a large-hearted mentor
benevolent (adj) = generous in providing aid to others
Synonyms: benevolent, freehearted
benevolent (adj) = generous in assistance to the poor
Synonyms: beneficent, benevolent, eleemosynary, philanthropic
- Usage: a benevolent contributor
- Usage: eleemosynary relief
- Usage: philanthropic contributions
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