Background meaning in Hindi

Background is a english word.

Background Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • background = पृष्ठभूमि

    • Usage: Before marriage Sita wanted to know Ram's background.
    • Usage: विवाह से पहले सीता राम ही पृष्ठभूमि जानना चाहती थी.
  • background = चित्रभूमि

    • Usage: A painting background of green and blue.
    • Usage: कलाकृती की चित्रभूमी हरी और नीली है.

Background Meaning in Detail

  • background (noun) = a person's social heritage: previous experience or training

    Synonyms: background

    • Usage: he is a lawyer with a sports background
  • background (noun) = the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground

    Synonyms: background, ground

    • Usage: he posed her against a background of rolling hills
  • background (noun) = information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem

    Synonyms: background, background_knowledge

    • Usage: the embassy filled him in on the background of the incident
  • background (noun) = extraneous signals that can be confused with the phenomenon to be observed or measured

    Synonyms: background, background_signal

    • Usage: they got a bad connection and could hardly hear one another over the background signals
  • background (noun) = relatively unimportant or inconspicuous accompanying situation

    Synonyms: background

    • Usage: when the rain came he could hear the sound of thunder in the background
  • background (noun) = the state of the environment in which a situation exists

    Synonyms: setting, background, scope

    • Usage: you can't do that in a university setting
  • background (noun) = (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear

    Synonyms: background, desktop, screen_background

  • background (noun) = scenery hung at back of stage

    Synonyms: backdrop, background, backcloth

  • background (verb) = understate the importance or quality of

    Synonyms: background, play_down, downplay

    • Usage: he played down his royal ancestry
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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