Backbone meaning in Hindi

Backbone is a english word.

Backbone Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • backbone = रीढ़ की हड्डी

    • Usage: He is the back bone of his party.
    • Usage: He hurt his backbone while lifting the heavy box.

Backbone Meaning in Detail

  • backbone (noun) = a central cohesive source of support and stability

    Synonyms: anchor, mainstay, keystone, backbone, linchpin, lynchpin

    • Usage: faith is his anchor
    • Usage: the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money
    • Usage: he is the linchpin of this firm
  • backbone (noun) = fortitude and determination

    Synonyms: backbone, grit, guts, moxie, sand, gumption

    • Usage: he didn't have the guts to try it
  • backbone (noun) = the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord

    Synonyms: spinal_column, vertebral_column, spine, backbone, back, rachis

    • Usage: the fall broke his back
  • backbone (noun) = the part of a book's cover that encloses the inner side of the book's pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved

    Synonyms: spine, backbone

    • Usage: the title and author were printed on the spine of the book
  • backbone (noun) = the part of a network that connects other networks together

    Synonyms: backbone

    • Usage: the backbone is the part of a communication network that carries the heaviest traffic
  • Other words to learn

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