Authority meaning in Hindi
Authority is a english word.Authority Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
authority = अधिकार
- Usage: Ram has authority to suspend his laborers
- Usage: राम को अपने मजदूरों को बर्खास्त करने का अधिकार है.
authority = आज्ञा
- Usage: It was done without the teacher's authority
- Usage: यह अध्यापक की आज्ञा के बिना किया गया.
authority = विशेषज्ञ
- Usage: She's an authority on mathematics
- Usage: वह गणित की विशेषज्ञ है.
authority = विश्वस्त सूत्र से
- Usage: I have it on good authority that he's leaving for home today.
- Usage: मुझे विश्वस्त सूत्र से जानकारी है कि वह आज घर के लिए रवाना हो रहा है.
Authority Meaning in Detail
authority (noun) = the power or right to give orders or make decisions
Synonyms: authority, authorization, authorisation, potency, dominance, say-so
- Usage: he has the authority to issue warrants
- Usage: deputies are given authorization to make arrests
- Usage: a place of potency in the state
authority (noun) = (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others
Synonyms: authority
- Usage: the authorities have issued a curfew
authority (noun) = an expert whose views are taken as definitive
Synonyms: authority
- Usage: he is an authority on corporate law
authority (noun) = freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities
Synonyms: assurance, self-assurance, confidence, self-confidence, authority, sureness
- Usage: his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular
- Usage: after that failure he lost his confidence
- Usage: she spoke with authority
authority (noun) = an administrative unit of government
Synonyms: agency, federal_agency, government_agency, bureau, office, authority
- Usage: the Central Intelligence Agency
- Usage: the Census Bureau
- Usage: Office of Management and Budget
- Usage: Tennessee Valley Authority
authority (noun) = official permission or approval
Synonyms: authority, authorization, authorisation, sanction
- Usage: authority for the program was renewed several times
authority (noun) = an authoritative written work
Synonyms: authority
- Usage: this book is the final authority on the life of Milton
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