Authoritative meaning in Hindi
Authoritative is a english word.Authoritative Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
authoritative = आधिकारिक
- Usage: authoritative instructions will be given on Sunday.
- Usage: आधिकारिक निर्दैश रविवार को दिए जाएगें.
authoritative = प्रामाणिक
- Usage: Information will be given by an authoritative source .
- Usage: सूचना प्रामाणिक ज़रिए द्वारा दी जाएगी.
Authoritative Meaning in Detail
authoritative (adj) = having authority or ascendancy or influence
Synonyms: authoritative, important
- Usage: an important official
- Usage: the captain's authoritative manner
authoritative (adj) = of recognized authority or excellence
Synonyms: authoritative, classical, classic, definitive
- Usage: the definitive work on Greece
- Usage: classical methods of navigation
authoritative (adj) = sanctioned by established authority
Synonyms: authoritative, authorized, authorised
- Usage: an authoritative communique
- Usage: the authorized biography
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