Assault meaning in Hindi

Assault is a english word.

Assault Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • assault = धावा

    • Usage: The Indian army made an assault on the enemy.
  • assault = हमला करना/आक्रमण करना

    • Usage: The police assaulted the unarmed demonstrators.

Assault Meaning in Detail

  • assault (noun) = close fighting during the culmination of a military attack

    Synonyms: assault

  • assault (noun) = a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped

    Synonyms: assault

  • assault (noun) = thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946

    Synonyms: Assault

  • assault (noun) = the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will

    Synonyms: rape, violation, assault, ravishment

  • assault (verb) = attack someone physically or emotionally

    Synonyms: assail, assault, set_on, attack

    • Usage: The mugger assaulted the woman
    • Usage: Nightmares assailed him regularly
  • assault (verb) = force (someone) to have sex against their will

    Synonyms: rape, ravish, violate, assault, dishonor, dishonour, outrage

    • Usage: The woman was raped on her way home at night
  • assault (verb) = attack in speech or writing

    Synonyms: attack, round, assail, lash_out, snipe, assault

    • Usage: The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker
  • Other words to learn

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