Arrange meaning in Hindi

Arrange is a english word.

Arrange Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • arrange = प्रबन्ध करना

    • Usage: They have arranged a dinner in her honour.
  • arrange = क्रम से लगाना

    • Usage: She was arranging flowers in a vase.

Arrange Meaning in Detail

  • arrange (verb) = put into a proper or systematic order

    Synonyms: arrange, set_up

    • Usage: arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order
  • arrange (verb) = make arrangements for

    Synonyms: arrange, fix_up

    • Usage: Can you arrange a meeting with the President?
  • arrange (verb) = plan, organize, and carry out (an event)

    Synonyms: stage, arrange

    • Usage: the neighboring tribe staged an invasion
  • arrange (verb) = set (printed matter) into a specific format

    Synonyms: format, arrange

    • Usage: Format this letter so it can be printed out
  • arrange (verb) = arrange attractively

    Synonyms: dress, arrange, set, do, coif, coiffe, coiffure

    • Usage: dress my hair for the wedding
  • arrange (verb) = adapt for performance in a different way

    Synonyms: arrange, set

    • Usage: set this poem to music
  • arrange (verb) = arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events

    Synonyms: arrange, set_up, put, order

    • Usage: arrange my schedule
    • Usage: set up one's life
    • Usage: I put these memories with those of bygone times
  • Other words to learn

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