Anyhow meaning in Hindi

Anyhow is a english word.

Anyhow Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • anyhow = किसी प्रकार से

    • Usage: Anyhow they managed to escape the police.

Anyhow Meaning in Detail

  • anyhow (adv) = used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; anyhow, they're quiet"; anyway, it's gone"; in any case, there was a brief scuffle"

    Synonyms: anyhow, anyway, anyways, in_any_case, at_any_rate, in_any_event

    • Usage: Anyhow, he is dead now
    • Usage: I think they're asleep
    • Usage: I don't know what happened to it
    • Usage: anyway, there is another factor to consider
    • Usage: I don't know how it started
    • Usage: in any event, the government faced a serious protest
    • Usage: but at any rate he got a knighthood for it
  • anyhow (adv) = in any way whatsoever

    Synonyms: anyhow, anyway

    • Usage: they came anyhow they could
    • Usage: get it done anyway you can
  • Other words to learn

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