Aloud meaning in Hindi

Aloud is a english word.

Aloud Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • aloud = ज़ोर से

    • Usage: Please read the passage aloud

Aloud Meaning in Detail

  • aloud (adv) = using the voice; not silently

    Synonyms: aloud, out_loud

    • Usage: please read the passage aloud
    • Usage: he laughed out loud
  • aloud (adv) = with relatively high volume

    Synonyms: loudly, loud, aloud

    • Usage: the band played loudly
    • Usage: she spoke loudly and angrily
    • Usage: he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him
    • Usage: cried aloud for help
  • Other words to learn

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