Alliance meaning in Hindi

Alliance is a english word.

Alliance Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • alliance = संगठन{संबंध}

    • Usage: The AIADMK entered into an alliance with the Congress.

Alliance Meaning in Detail

  • alliance (noun) = the state of being allied or confederated

    Synonyms: alliance, confederation

  • alliance (noun) = a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest

    Synonyms: alliance, bond

    • Usage: the shifting alliances within a large family
    • Usage: their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them
  • alliance (noun) = an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty

    Synonyms: alliance, coalition, alignment, alinement

  • alliance (noun) = a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim

    Synonyms: alliance

  • alliance (noun) = the act of forming an alliance or confederation

    Synonyms: confederation, alliance

  • Other words to learn

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