Aft meaning in Hindi

Aft is a english word.

Aft Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • aft = जहाज़ के पिछले भाग के पास

    • Usage: He was in the aft and have was saved from dying earlier in the sinking
    • Usage: ship.

Aft Meaning in Detail

  • aft (adj) = (nautical, aeronautical) situated at or toward the stern or tail

    Synonyms: aft

  • aft (adv) = at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane

    Synonyms: aft, abaft, astern

    • Usage: stow the luggage aft
    • Usage: ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft
    • Usage: the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about
  • Other words to learn

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