Punk meaning in Hindi

Punk is a english word.

Punk Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • Punk = पंक

    • Usage: In early 80's people used to follow the punk style.

Punk Meaning in Detail

  • Punk (noun) = an aggressive and violent young criminal

    Synonyms: hood, hoodlum, goon, punk, thug, tough, toughie, strong-armer

  • Punk (noun) = substance that smolders when ignited; used to light fuses (especially fireworks)

    Synonyms: punk

  • Punk (noun) = material for starting a fire

    Synonyms: kindling, tinder, touchwood, spunk, punk

  • Punk (noun) = a teenager or young adult who is a performer (or enthusiast) of punk rock and a member of the punk youth subculture

    Synonyms: punk_rocker, punk

  • Punk (noun) = rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock

    Synonyms: punk_rock, punk

  • Punk (adj) = of very poor quality; flimsy

    Synonyms: bum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crummy, punk, sleazy, tinny

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